Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. My name is James and I go by PichuFan on most Pokémon-related communities. I’m @pichucollector on Instagram and you can find me on eBay as 18trader.
If it wasn’t already obvious, I collect Pichu Pokémon TCG cards. My primary focus is English and Japanese releases (including all cards which feature Pichu in the card’s artwork), but have been slowly picking up releases from other languages as a side-collection.
I’ve set up this blog mostly for my own benefit - to document cards from my collection - however I felt it would be selfish of me to just keep this information private, so figured a blog was the best medium.
If you’re here because you’re interested in the status of my collection, here is the Google Sheets document which documents my collection progress.

Some Pichu Trivia
- The last named “Pichu” card to be released worldwide was in the Polish version of the 2007 Mysterious Treasures set released in May 2012.
- The last new named “Pichu” card to be introduced to the TCG was from Japan’s SoulSilver Collection (HeartGold & SoulSilver) released in October 2009.
- Cards featuring Pichu appear in 12 different languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai.
- The first appearance Pichu made was on the Japanese Tropical Present (トロピカルプレゼント) jumbo card, which was released 10 months before Pokémon Gold & Silver on the Game Boy and 11 months before Pichu appeared again in card-form in Japan’s Neo Genesis set.
- Pichu appears in winning cards from the 2009 and 2010 Design Contests and almost appeared in one of the 2015 Art Academy cards.